Discovering resilience within life’s storms

In the recent storms, our stalwart oak tree succumbed to crosswinds, snapping in two. I felt both shocked and saddened to see the once proud sentinel, standing tall for years, now lying uncomfortably on the ground—a testament to the fragility of life. Wrapping my arms around it as if in solace, and expressing gratitude for the gifts it had offered, I found myself contemplating the parallels between nature's whirlwinds and the struggles that can uproot us from what we once knew, leaving us levelled to the core – upturned from the safety of familiar knowing. Ironically, this place of struggle and suffering may also offer lessons and new learnings, shaping and refining us — an unearthing of new resilience borne from adversity; a hopeful space.

The start of our healing journey, like the oak's, might be a period of mourning, withdrawal, and contemplation as we notice ourselves in new circumstances. We at times remain stuck in this place, fighting against what is now, with what once was, or hoped to be. This very human response to life-changing experiences may prompt existential questions. What is my life’s purpose? How can this be? How do I navigate this new normal? We may wonder what inner resources we possess to offer us strength to solidify, renew, and regrow, or where else to turn for help.

I ponder if this beautiful oak tree will, at some point, send its roots deeper into the ground, seeking greater strength to withstand future tempests. Perhaps, like our Black Tree lost two years ago in similar circumstances, it will sprout new growth - new shoots as a striking representation of our shared instinct for survival, an emblem of hope against adversity.

We too can use our figurative roots to solidify our core being, to uncover new awareness of who we are, and what is important to us. Then listening to that quiet inner voice who believes, re-formulate our vision, realign our purpose, and know that we ‘can’, still, though we may feel as a novice on a foreign path to an unfamiliar destination.

The Oak and Black trees, joined in their brokenness, illustrate that the journey of healing often begins amidst the ruins of what once was. While they may never regain the same stature, their roots are forever sunk deeper, offering greater strength to the evolving life, so to withstand future adversities.

The Oak tree and its fallen companions invite us to reflect on the profound lessons of resilience, to take one more step forward, to rest and rejuvenate as needed, soak the learnings into our soul, and allow our inner wisdom to guide us to a new space of empathy, deeper understanding, and with emerging measure, hope. Drawing strength from others, we may also benefit from a helping hand, a kind word, a listening ear—allowing the gentle companionship from one who is willing to walk alongside us in our transformational journey.

May we draw inspiration from these fallen trees' stories, finding courage in adversity, and embracing acceptance as a brave acknowledgment of our present reality—a cornerstone to a more resilient life. Together, let us navigate the tempestuous winds of change and emerge a stronger, more authentic self.

- Michelle


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