Are you experiencing disconnection or conflict within your relationship?

Your relationship isn’t what you would like it to be. What was once seemingly effortless, now feels difficult and overwhelming. Despite attempting various ways you think will enhance your relationship, you’re at a loss. This disconnect and uncertainty about the way forward bring feelings of anxiety, isolation, and perhaps even defeat.

And what’s the cost? How does this lack of connection and unity affect other areas of your life? Is it harder to be a parent, a sibling, or friend? Do you struggle to concentrate or participate fully in life? What’s left in your emotional cup when everything feels so hard…

Couple Therapy focuses on the dynamics between partners, aiming to:

  • Enhance communication for stronger bonds

  • Improve conflict resolution and problem-solving

  • Establish healthy boundaries

  • Heal emotional wounds, reconnect and repair

  • Increase empathy and intimacy

  • Support decision making about whether to leave to stay

eco therapy

What is betrayal trauma?

Betrayal trauma is a deeply distressing experience resulting from a breach of trust within a relationship, often caused by infidelity, deception, or emotional manipulation by someone close. It shatters the foundation of safety and security, leading to feelings of shock, hurt, and a profound loss of trust.

We understand the complexity of betrayal trauma and its impact on emotional well-being. With tailored techniques like integrative behavioural couple therapy and other trauma-focused approaches, we provide you with a supportive space where you can unpack these emotions, process the profound sense of betrayal, and navigate the turbulent aftermath. Through personalised guidance, we help you cope with the emotional upheaval, regain a sense of safety and control, and work towards healing.

Our goal is to assist you in rebuilding trust, establishing healthier boundaries, and nurturing emotional resilience in the aftermath of betrayal trauma. Ultimately, we're here to support you in finding a path to personal growth, clarity in decision-making, and the potential for repairing and strengthening your relationships

How we can help

It is possible to reconnect and build a stronger, healthier relationship

Our therapeutic approach will be unique to your needs, integrating evidence-based, trauma-informed modalities.

We'll focus on what matters most to you—whether it's rebuilding trust, nurturing emotional intimacy, refining your relationship skills or conscious uncoupling.

You can regain connection and fulfilment again. You can gain deeper insight to guide your journey. You can change what you bring to your relationships - with yourself, your partner and loved ones. You can be true to yourself and make decisions to support your authentic needs.

“I always thought I’d be some what too proud to attend a couple's counselling session, and part of me has always had a hard time reaching out for help when I needed it…

But then there are moments where some how you come across the right person at the right time. This was one of those moments.

My 10 year  relationship was at a crossroads it was either see it continue to break down or give this a go. I recall my husband even shyly admitting he had come to the same conclusion.

So to have an opportunity to partake in relationship counselling in a less conventional way, minus the office feel and four walls, and to find ourselves in the hills of Gembrook surrounded by nature, feet literally on the ground with Michelle, watching the thunder, rain, or sunshine, made even just a few sessions so impactful on my mind, body, and soul, and helped see my relationship grow and enter the new realm we desperately sought.

Thank you Michelle, those moments we shared with you were key and such pivotal steps in the right direction."

— Abby


Common questions about Relationship Therapy

    1. You’re having trouble communicating with each other

    2. One of you no longer trusts the other

    3. Arguments seem to happen all too often

    4. The same problems tend to surface whenever one of you complains

    5. You no longer feel connected to each other

  • Couples seek support for various reasons: resolving issues, improving skills, navigating fractures, or managing ongoing concerns. Each relationship is unique. Following an initial period of assessment to identify therapy goals and individual partner needs, weekly sessions may be beneficial to support the desire change you are seeking.

  • We tailor our approach to suit your unique needs, utilizing Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy (IBCT), Emotion-Focused Therapy for Couples (EFCT), Somatic Experiencing, and The Gottman Method. Our aim is to blend these methodologies to best address your specific relationship dynamics.

  • That's okay. Feeling hesitant about starting counseling is common. Begin by empathetically listening to your partner's reasons for reluctance. If they remain unwilling, shift your focus to what positive contributions you can make to the relationship. Even small, noticeable changes can transform the dynamic between you both, fostering a healthier connection.

  • The decision to stay or go is yours alone. It's not about what your mother, best friend, or therapist thinks. Therapy might guide your own decision towards ending the relationship, and if that's the path you choose, we'll provide support to navigate this transition.

Fee Schedule

Couple/Relationship Therapy

60 minute online or in-person session -  $150
90 minute online or in-person session -  $195

Referrals are not required.

Should you be facing financial hardship please contact us to discuss your fee.